'말문트기 기본 암기 20문장'

<그림 : 버스 기사가 버스를 운전하는 모습>

제목 : I'm a bus driver.  I drive a bus.

1. Are you a bus driver?  당신은 버스 기사입니까?

2. I am not a bus driver.  나는 버스 기사가 아닙니다.

3. Do you drive a bus?  당신은 버스를 운전합니까?

4. I don't drive a bus.  나는 버스를 운전하지 않습니다.

<그림 : 어떤 사람이 주차장에서 주차를 하는 모습>

제목 : We are in a parking lot.  We park in a parking lot.

5. Are you in a parking lot?  당신은 주차장에 있습니까?

6. We are not in a parking lot.  우리는 주차장에 있지 않습니다.

7. Do you park in a parking lot?  당신은 주차장에 주차를 합니까?

8. We don't park in a parking lot.  우리는 주차장에 주차를 하지 않습니다.

<그림 : 어떤 컴퓨터 프로그래머(남자)가 컴퓨터를 조작하는 장면>

제목 : He is a computer programmer.  He makes a computer program.

9. Is he a computer programmer?  그는 컴퓨터 프로그래머입니까?

10. He is not a computer programmer.  그는 컴퓨터 프로그래머가 아닙니다.

11. Does he make a computer program?  그는 컴퓨터 프로그램을 만듭니까?

12. He doesn't make a computer program.  그는 컴퓨터 프로그램을 만들지 않습니다.

<그림 : 어떤 여자가 피아노를 치는 모습>

제목 : She is a pianist.  She plays the piano.

13. Is she a pianist?  그녀는 피아니스트입니까?

14. She is not a pianist.  그녀는 피아니스트가 아닙니다.

15. Does she play the piano?  그녀는 피아노를 칩니까?

16. She doesn't play the piano.  그녀는 피아노를 치지 않습니다.

<그림 : 사람들이 바에 있는 모습>

제목 : They are in a bar.  They drink in a bar.

17. Are they in a bar?  그들은 바에 있습니까?

18. They are not in a bar.  그들은 바에 있지 않습니다.

19. Do they drink in a bar?  그들은 바에서 술을 마십니까?

20. They don't drink in a bar.  그들은 바에서 술을 마시지 않습니다.

제 1법칙(주어와 동사 함께 말하기) 훈련하기



Ⅰ <주어 익히기>

괄호 안에 들어갈 수 있는 모든 주어를 쓰세요.


1. ( ) am


2. ( ) drive


3. ( ) are


4. ( ) park


5. ( ) is


6. ( ) makes


7. ( ) do


8. ( ) plays


9. ( ) does


10. ( ) drink





Ⅱ <동사 변화 익히기> 해석을 참고하여 주어진 주어와 동사 뒤에 단어들을 붙여 문장을 완성하세요.


1. 나는 이다 / 버스 운전기사

I am ( ) ( ) ( ).



2. 나는 운전한다 / 버스를

I drive ( ) ( ).



3. 우리는 있다 / 주차장에

We are ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).



4. 우리는 주차한다 / 주차장에

We park ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).



5. 그는 이다 / 컴퓨터 프로그래머

He is ( ) ( ) ( ).



6. 그는 만든다 / 컴퓨터 프로그램을

He makes ( ) ( ) ( ).



7. 그 여자는 이다 / 피아니스트

She is ( ) ( ).



8. 그 여자는 친다 / 피아노를

She plays

( ) ( )



9. 그들은 있다 / 바에

They are ( ) ( ) ( ).



10. 그들은 마신다 / 바에서

They drink ( ) ( ) ( ).





Ⅲ <주어+동사 어순 익히기>


하나의 문장이 되도록 다음 단어들을 순서대로 배열하세요.


1. you /are / a bus driver?


2. I / a bus driver / am / not.


3. you / drive / a bus / do?


4. I / a bus / drive / don't.


5. are / in a parking lot / you?


6. are / we/ in a parking lot / not.


7. do /park / you / in a parking lot?


8. don't /we / park / in a parking lot.


9. he / a computer programmer / is?


10. is / he/ a computer programmer / not.


11. make / he / does / a computer program?


12. he / make / doesn't / a computer program.


13. a pianist / she / is?


14. not / is / she / a pianist.


15. play / she / does / the piano?


16. doesn't / play / she / the piano.


17. they / in a bar / are?


18. they / in a bar / aren't.


19. do / drink / they / in a bar?


20. don't / they / drink / in a bar.





Ⅳ <주어+동사 일치 익히기>


주어와 동사가 제대로 갖춰진 문장에는 ○표, 주어와 동사가 일치하지 않는 문장에는 x표를 하고 틀린 것을 고치세요.


1. You a bus driver? ( )


2. I am not a bus driver. ( )


3. Do you driving a bus? ( )


4. I am not drive a bus. ( )


5. Do you in a parking lot? ( )


6. I am not in a parking lot. ( )


7. Are you park in a parking lot? ( )


8. We are not park in a parking lot. ( )


9. Is he a computer programmer? ( )


10. He doesn't a computer programmer. ( )


11. Do he make a computer program? ( )


12. He isn't make a computer program. ( )


13. Is she a pianist? ( ) 


14. She is not a pianist. ( )


15. Does she play the piano? ( )


16. She doesn't playing the piano. ( )


17. Is they in a bar? ( )


18. They aren't in a bar. ( )


19. They drinking in a bar. ( )


20. They don't drink in a bar. ( )









Ⅰ 괄호 안에 들어갈 수 있는 모든 주어를 쓰세요.

1. ( I ) am

2. ( I, You, We, They ) drive

3. ( You, We, They ) are

4. ( I, You, We, They ) park

5. ( He ) is

6. ( He, She ) makes

7. ( I, You, We, They ) do

8. ( He, She ) plays

9. ( He, She ) does

10. ( I, You, We, They ) drink




Ⅱ 해석을 참고하여 주어진 주어와 동사 뒤에 단어들을 붙여 문장을 완성하세요.

1. I am (a)

(bus) (driver).

2. I drive

(a) (bus).

3. We are

(in) (a) (parking) (lot).

4. We park

(in) (a) (parking) (lot).

5. He is

(a) (computer) (programmer).

6. He makes

(a) (computer) (program).

7. She is

(a) (pianist).

8. She

plays (the) (piano).

9. They are

(in) (a) (bar).

10. They

drink (in) (a) (bar).




Ⅲ 하나의 문장이 되도록 다음 단어들을 순서대로 배열하세요.

1. ②①③ Are you a bus driver?

2. ①④②③ I am not a bus driver.

3. ②③④① Do you drive a bus?

4. ①④③② I don't drive a bus.

5. ①③② Are you in a parking lot?

6. ②①④③ We are not in a parking lot.

7. ①③②④ Do you park in a parking lot?

8. ②①③④ We don't park in a parking lot.

9. ②③① Is he a computer programmer?

10. ②①④③ He is not a computer programmer.

11. ③②①④ Does he make a computer program?

12. ①③②④ He doesn't make a computer program.

13. ③②① Is she a pianist?

14. ③②①④ She is not a pianist.

15. ③②①④ Does she play the piano?

16. ②③①④ She doesn't play the piano.

17. ②③① Are they in a bar?

18. ①③② They are not in a bar.

19. ①③②④ Do they drink in a bar?

20. ②①③④ They don't drink in a bar.




Ⅳ 주어와 동사가 제대로 갖춰진 문장에는 ○표, 주어와 동사가 일치하지 않는 문장에는 x표를 하고 틀린 것을 고치세요.

1. Are you a bus driver? ( X )

2. I am not a bus driver. ( O )

3.Do you drive a bus? 또는 Are you driving a bus? ( X )

4. I do not drive a bus. ( X )

5.Are you in a parking lot? ( X )

6.I am not in a parking lot. ( O )

7.Do you park in a parking lot? 또는 Are you in a parking lot? ( X )

8. We do not park in a parking lot. 또는 We are not in a parking lot. ( X )

9. Is he a computer programmer? ( O )

10. He isn't a computer programmer. 또는 He doesn't make a computer program. ( X )

11. Does he make a computer program? ( X )

12. He doesn't make a computer program. ( X )

13. Is she a pianist? ( O )

14. She is not a pianist. ( O )

15. Does she play the piano? ( O )

16. She doesn't play the piano. ( X )

17. Are they in a bar? ( X )

18. They aren't in a bar. ( O )

19. They drink in a bar. ( X )

20. They don't drink in a bar. ( O )



제 2법칙(묻는대로 답하기) 훈련하기


Ⅰ <묻는 대로 답하기>

다음 문장들을 보고 왼쪽의 문장들에 맞는 질문을 오른쪽에서 찾아 줄을 치세요.

1. I am a bus driver. ·                                                              · Does he make a computer program?

2. I drive a bus. ·                                                                      · Do they drink in a bar?

3. I am not in a parking lot. ·                                                · Are they in a bar?

4. I don't park in a parking lot. ·                                          · Does she play the piano?

5. He is a computer programmer. ·                                    · Is she a pianist?

6. He makes a computer program. ·                                   · Do you drive a bus?

7. She is a pianist. ·                                                                   · Are you in a parking lot?

8. She plays the piano. ·                                                          · Do you park in a parking lot?

9. They are in a bar. ·                                                                · Is he a computer programmer?

10. They drink in a bar. ·                                                           · Are you a bus driver?

(테이프 녹음) Ⅱ <의문사 의문문 익히기>

다음 문장들에 알맞은 답을 하세요.

1.  What

Do you like to watch baseball on TV?   

Do you like to watch basketball on TV?

Do you like to watch soccer on TV?

What sports do you like to watch on TV?

2. Who

Does Jane love to dance?

Does Mike love to dance?

Does your girlfriend love to dance?

Who loves to dance?

3. Where

Did you spend your last vacation in Jeju Island?

Did you spend your last vacation in America?

Did you spend your last vacation in your hometown?

Where did you spend your last vacation?

4. When

Do you get home late?

Do you get home at night?

Do you get home before 7 o'clock?

When do you get home?

5. How

Do you get up early in the morning?

Do you start work at 9?

Do you get home pretty late?

How do you spend your day?

6. How much

Do you spend about 10,000 won a day?

Do you spend less than 10,000 won a day?

Do you spend more than 10,000 won a day?

How much do you spend a day?

7. How often

Do you go jogging everyday?

Do you play any sports once or twice a week?

Do you sometimes go swimming?

How often do you exercise?

8. Why

Do you study English because it is an international language?

Do you study English for your hobby?

Do you study English to get a good to get a well-paid job?

Why do you study English?

9. Whose

Is that your car?

Is that his car?

Is that Mike's car?

Whose car is that?

10. Which

Do you like to go to a Japanese restaurant?

Do you like to go to an Italian restaurant?

Do you like to go to a Korean restaurant?

Which restaurant do you like to go?

(테이프 녹음) Ⅲ <의문사 의문문에 답하기>

질문에 맞는 대답을 보기에서 찾아 말하고 써 보세요.

1. How would you like your haircut?

2. What are these?

3. How many are there in your family?

4. Which channel is the movie on?

5. How long does it take you to get to work?

6. Where do I wash my hands?

7. How have you been?

8. What's the rent?

9. How often do you exercise?

10. Where are you going?


I play tennis twice a week.

It's on Channel 6.

I'd like a short haircut.

They are my video tapes.

It's $800 a month.

There are four in my family.

About one hour by bus.

I'm going to the library.

On the second floor.

Very well, thank you.

11. What time is it?

12. How much does it weigh?

13. When would you like to come? 

14. How was your weekend?

15. Who is that?

16. How tall are you?

17. Who is she?

18. Why are you leaving?

19. When is your birthday?

20. Why are you late?


The July 4th.

Sorry, I missed a bus.

I'm 170cm tall.

It's five ten.

It was great.

100 lbs.

It's my boss.

Because I'm so tired. 

At seven tonight.

She is my coworker.

(테이프 녹음) <여러 가지 의문문에 답하기>

Ⅳ 질문의 예문을 보며 본인의 대답으로 직접 말해 보세요.

1. Are you in the army?

예문) No, we aren't. We are English teachers.


2. Is he in the parking lot?

예문) Yes, he is. He is parking his car.


3. Is she a pianist?

예문) Yes, she is. She plays pretty well.


4. Is he a good computer programmer?

예문) Yes, he is. He is a computer maniac.


5. Is she a binge drinker?

예문) Yes, she is. She drinks a lot.


6. Is she in this hotel?

예문) Yes, she is. She is in room 257.


7. Do you drive a bus, too?

예문) No, I don't. I run a family restaurant.


8. Does he wait for us there?

예문) No, he doesn't. He has already left.


9. Does she read a book?

예문) No, she doesn't. She likes to watch TV.


10. Does he park his car?

예문) No, he doesn't. He can't drive.


11. Can you bring him here?

예문) Sure, I can.


12. Who are you?

예문) I am his friend. We are very close friends.


13. What do you do?

예문) I work at a hospital. I am a doctor.


14. Where are you going?

예문) I am going to the park.


15. When will you come back?

예문) In the afternoon.


16. What is he?

예문) He is a computer programmer. He makes a computer program.


17. What is he making now?

예문) He is making another computer program.


18. Where is he?

예문) He is in the library. He is reading a book.


19. Who will park his car?

예문) I don't know. Maybe his girlfriend will.


20. Where do you live?

예문) I live in Seoul.



Ⅰ 다음 문장들을 보고 왼쪽의 문장들에 맞는 질문을 오른쪽에서 찾아 줄을 치세요.

1. I am a bus driver. ·                    · Does he make a computer program?

2. I drive a bus. ·                         · Do they drink in a bar?

3. I am not in a parking lot. ·                      · Are they in a bar?

4. I don't park in a parking lot. ·                 · Does she play the piano?

5. He is a computer programmer. ·              · Is she a pianist?

6. He makes a computer program. ·                   · Do you drive a bus?

7. She is a pianist. ·                              · Are you in a parking lot?

8. She plays the piano. ·                     · Do you park in a parking lot?

9. They are in a bar. ·                              · Is he a computer programmer?

10. They drink in a bar. ·                           · Are you a bus driver?

Ⅱ 다음 문장들에 알맞은 답을 하세요.

1. I like to watch soap operas on TV.              나는 TV에서 드라마 보는 것을 좋아합니다.

2. My boyfriend loves to dance.                나의 남자친구는 춤추는 것을 좋아합니다.

3. I spent my last vacation in France.            나는 작년 휴가를 프랑스에서 보냈습니다.

4. I get home at around 11.              나는 집에 11시쯤에 들어옵니다.

5. I start work at 9.               나는 9시에 일을 시작합니다.

6. I spend about 5,000 won a day.           나는 하루에 5000원 정도를 씁니다.

7. I go to the fitness club everyday.               나는 매일 헬스클럽에 갑니다.

8. I  study English to communicate with a foreigner.             나는 외국인과 의사소통하려고 영어를 배웁니다.

9. That is her car.                        그것은 그 여자의 자동차입니다.

10. I like to go to a Mexican restaurant.          나는 멕시코 레스토랑에 가는 것을 좋아합니다.

Ⅲ 질문에 맞는 대답을 보기에서 찾아 말하고 써 보세요.

1. How would you like your haircut?               머리를 어떻게 잘라 드릴까요?

I'd like a short haircut.                          짧게 잘라주세요.

2. What are these?                                 이것들은 무엇입니까?

They are my video tapes.                          그것들은 내 비디오 테이프입니다.

3. How many are there in your family?                         당신의 가족은 몇 명입니까?

There are four in my family.                          우리 가족은 네 명입니다.

4. Which channel is the movie on?              영화는 어느 채널에서 합니까?

It's on Channel 6.                       6번 채널입니다.

5. How long does it take you to get to work? 출근하는 데 시간이 얼마나 걸립니까?

About one hour by bus. 버스로 약 한 시간입니다.

6. Where do I wash my hands? 화장실은 어디입니까?

On the second floor. 2층에 있습니다.

7. How have you been? 어떻게 지내셨습니까?

Very well, thank you. 잘 지냈습니다. 고맙습니다.

8. What's the rent? 임대료는 얼마입니까?

It's $800 a month. 한 달에 800불입니다.

9. How often do you exercise? 당신은 얼마나 자주 운동을 하십니까?

I play tennis twice a week. 나는 매주 두 번 테니스를 합니다.

10. Where are you going? 당신은 어디에 갑니까?

I'm going to the library. 나는 도서관에 갑니다.

11. What time is it? 몇 시입니까?

It's five ten. 5시 10분입니다.

12. How much does it weigh? 이것의 무게는 얼마입니까?

100 lbs. 100파운드입니다.

13. When would you like to come? 언제 오시겠습니까?

At seven tonight. 오늘밤 7시입니다.

14. How was your weekend? 주말은 어떠셨습니까?

It was great. 좋았습니다.

15. Who is that? 저 사람은 누구입니까?

It's my boss. 나의 상사입니다.

16. How tall are you? 당신의 키는 얼마입니까?

I'm 170cm tall. 저는 170입니다.

17. Who is she? 그 여자는 누구입니까?

She is my coworker. 그 여자는 나의 직장동료입니다.

18. Why are you leaving? 당신은 왜 떠납니까?

Because I'm so tired. 너무 피곤해서입니다.

19. When is your birthday? 당신의 생일은 언제입니까?

On July 4th. 7월 4일입니다.

20. Why are you late? 당신은 왜 늦었습니까?

Sorry, I missed a bus. 죄송합니다. 버스를 놓쳤습니다.

Ⅳ 질문의 예문을 보며 본인대답으로 직접 말해 보세요.

1. Yes, we are. We are soldiers.

네, 그렇습니다. 우리는 군인입니다.

2. No, he isn't. He is at home.

아니오, 그렇지 않습니다. 그는 집에 있습니다.

3. No, she isn't. She is a cellist.

아니오, 그렇지 않습니다. 그 여자는 첼리스트입니다.

4. No, he isn't. He is poor at computer programming.

아니오, 그렇지 않습니다. 그는 컴퓨터 프로그래밍을 못합니다.

5. No, she isn't. She is allergic to alcohol.

아니오, 그렇지 않습니다. 그 여자는 알콜 알레르기가 있습니다.

6. No, she isn't. She is gone without words.

아니오, 그렇지 않습니다. 그 여자는 말도 없이 떠났습니다.

7. Yes, I do. I drive a school bus.

네, 그렇습니다. 나는 스쿨버스를 운전합니다.

8. Yes, he does. He waits for us with his friend.

네, 그렇습니다. 그는 친구와 함께 우리를 기다립니다.

9. Yes, she does. She reads a book everyday.

네, 그렇습니다. 그 여자는 매일 책 한 권을 읽습니다.

10. Yes, he does. He parks well.

네, 그렇습니다. 그는 주차를 잘합니다.

11. Sorry, I can't. I have an appointment.

죄송하지만 할 수 없습니다. 약속이 있습니다.

12. Police! Open the door!

경찰이다! 문을 열어라!

13. I work for Tristar. I am an engineer.

나는 트리스타에서 일합니다. 나는 엔지니어입니다.

14. I am going to the shopping mall.

나는 쇼핑몰에 가고 있습니다.

15. At twelve.


16. He is a designer. He designs cars.

그는 디자이너입니다. 그는 자동차를 디자인합니다.

17. He is making a blueberry pie.

그는 블루 베리 파이를 만들고 있습니다.

18. He is in the restroom. He is washing his hands.

그는 화장실에 있습니다. 그는 손을 닦고 있습니다.

19. Don't worry. I'll do.

걱정하지 마세요. 내가 할게요.

20. I live in the next block.

나는 다음 블록에 삽니다.

제 3법칙(단어와 구 바꿔 말하기) 훈련하기


(테이프 녹음) <단어와 구 바꿔 말하기>

Ⅰ 다음 문장에서 이탤릭으로 된 단어와 바꿔 쓰기에 어색한 것을 고르세요.

1. Are you a dentist? I am not a dentist.

① a sales manager ② a broker  ③ a school

2. Is he in a restaurant? He is not in a restaurant.

① a hospital ② a doctor  ③ an office

3. Do you live in Seoul? I don't live in Seoul.

① New York ② Tokyo ③ my parents

4. Does he have some money? He doesn't have any money.

① handsome ② candies  ③ time

5. Are you from Japan? I am not from Japan.

①Toronto ② China ③ Korean

6. Is she a Chinese? She is not a Chinese.

① a Canadian ② Japan ③ an American

7. Do you like singing? I don't like singing.

① dancing ② go ③ swimming

8. Does she read a newspaper? She doesn't read a newspaper.

① home ② the New York Times ③ a weekly magazine

9. Are you crazy about computer games? I am not crazy about computer games.

① pizza ② chocolate  ③ watch TV

10. Is he working now? He is not working now.

① playing golf   ② watching TV  ③ study

11. Do you want to go with me? I don't want to go with you.

① a party ② play cards  ③ talk

12. Does he help Jane with her homework? He doesn't help Jane with her homework.

① your dad ② you ③ your mom

13. What do you have for lunch? I have a sandwich for lunch.

① breakfast ② dinner ③ a hamburger

14. What time does she have lunch? She has lunch at twelve thirty.

① one thirty ② my coworkers ③ about twelve

15. Who do you have lunch with? I have lunch with my family.

① my friends ② my coworkers  ③ an Italian restaurant

16. Where do you have lunch? I have lunch at a convenience store.

① home ② a restaurant  ③ fast food

17. When do you go out for dinner? I go out for dinner on Saturday.

① Friday evening ② McDonald  ③ the weekend

18. How do I make Spaghetti for lunch? I don't know how to make Spaghetti for lunch.

① Sushi ② Bulgogi  ③ twelve o'clock

19. Why do you skip lunch? I skip lunch because I'm on a diet.

① dessert ② meals ③ a restaurant

20. Which food do you like better, Korean or Japanese? I like Korean food better than Japanese food.

① want ② cars ③ restaurants

(테이프 녹음) <단어와 구 바꿔 말하기>

Ⅱ 다음 문장에서 이탤릭으로 된 단어나 구를 바꿔 말해 보세요.

1. Are you a bus driver? I am not a bus driver.

① an engineer ② a photographer ③ a graphic designer

2. Is he a computer programmer? He is not a computer programmer.

① James ② Steve ③ Linda

3. Is she a pianist? She is not a pianist.

① a soldier ② a bus driver ③ an English teacher

4. Does she play the piano? She doesn't play the piano.

① the violin ②volleyball ③ golf

5. Are they in a bar? They aren't in a bar.

① a hotel ② a hospital ③ a shopping mall

6. Are you a soldier? I'm not a soldier.

① a farmer ② a chef ③ a secretary

7. Do you read a book? We don't read a book.

① a magazine ② a newspaper ③ a catalogue

8. Is he a binge drinker? He is a binge drinker.

① Robert ②Teddy ③ Brian

9. Does he drink a lot? He don't drink a lot.

① smoke ② eat ③ go out

10. Is she a salesperson? She is a salesperson.

① a waitress ② a nurse ③ a receptionist

11. Are they interested in rap music?

① jazz ② classical ③ pop

12. Do they like R.E.M. very much?

① Louis Armstrong ② Mozart ③ Whitney Houston

13. Do you drive a bus? I don't drive a bus.

① take a walk ② have an appointment ③ like children

14. Are you in a parking lot? We are not in a parking lot.

① in a meeting ② on another line ③ in the office

15. Do you park in a parking lot? We don't park in a parking lot.

① stay in New York ② get to New York ③ sit on the chair

16. Does he make a computer program? He doesn't make a computer program.

① run a cyber cafe ② need your signature ③ have a fever

17. Do they drink in a bar? They don't drink in a bar.

① come to my house ② get on the bus ③ pay with Master Card

18. Do you work in the army? I don't work in the army.

① on a farm ② in the kitchen ③ in the company

19. Are you in a library? We are not in a library.

① in a shopping mall ② in a restaurant ③ in a coffee shop

20. Does she work in a department store?

① a restaurant ② a hospital ③ an office


Ⅰ 다음 문장에서 이탤릭으로 된 단어와 바꿔 쓰기에 어색한 것을 고르세요.

1. ③

dentist 치과의사 sales manager 세일즈 매니저 broker 브로커, 중개인

2. ②

restaurant 음식점 hospital 병원 doctor 의사 office 사무실

3. ③

live 살다 parent 부모

4. ①

money 돈 handsome 멋진 candy(pl. candies) 사탕

5. ③

6. ②

7. ②

sing 노래하다 dance 춤추다 go 가다 swim 수영하다

8. ①

read 읽다 newspaper 신문 home 집 New York Times 뉴욕 타임즈(신문)


magazine 주간지

9. ③

crazy 미친 pizza 피자 chocolate 초콜릿 watch TV TV를 보다

10. ③

work 일하다 now 지금 play golf 골프를 치다 study 공부하다

11. ①

want 원하다 party 파티 play cards 카드놀이를 하다 talk 말하다

12. ②

Jane 여자이름 homework 숙제 dad 아빠 mom 엄마

13. ③

lunch 점심식사 breakfast 아침식사 dinner 저녁식사 hamburger 햄버거

14. ②

twelve 12 thirty 30 coworker 동료 about twelve 12시 경

15. ③

have lunch 점심식사를 하다 friend 친구 restaurant 음식점

16. ③

convenience store 편의점 fast food 패스트푸드

17. ②

go out for dinner 저녁

식사하러 밖으로 나가다 evening 저녁 weekend 주말

18. ③

make 만들다 Spaghetti 스파게티 Sushi 초밥 twelve o'clock 12시 정각

19. ③

skip 건너뛰다 be on a diet 다이어트를 하다 dessert 디저트, 후식 meal 식사

20. ①

food 음식 like better 더 좋아하다

제 4법칙(쉬운 말로 바꿔 말하기) 훈련하기


 <쉬운 말로 바꿔 말하기>

떠오르는 말을 쉬운 우리말로 찾아 바꿔 보세요.

1. 떠오르는 말 : 전 버스회사에 운전 기사로 근무하고 있습니다.

I work for a transport company as a bus driver.

쉬운 우리말 : 나는 버스 운전 기사입니다.

쉬운 영어표현 :

2. 떠오르는 말 : 그는 술고래예요.

He is a binge drinker.

쉬운 우리말 : 그는 술을 많이 마신다.

쉬운 영어표현 :

3. 떠오르는 말 : 구미가 당기는군요.

It's whetting my appetite.

쉬운 우리말 : 배고프게 만드네요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

4. 떠오르는 말 : 저녁 대접할게요.

I'll treat you to dinner.

쉬운 우리말 : 저녁 살게요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

5. 떠오르는 말 : 그 채널에 놔두세요.

Leave it on that channel.

쉬운 우리말 : 그 채널 바꾸지 마세요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

6. 떠오르는 말 : 쫙 빼 입으셨네요.

You're dressed to kill.

쉬운 우리말 : 멋져 보이네요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

7. 떠오르는 말 : 털어서 먼지 안 나는 사람 어디 있어요?

Everyone has a skeleton in his closet.

쉬운 우리말 : 누구나 실수를 만들죠.

쉬운 영어표현 :

8. 떠오르는 말 : 어떤 재료가 들어갔어요?

What ingredients did you use?

쉬운 우리말 : 뭐가 들어 있어요?

쉬운 영어표현 :

9. 떠오르는 말 : 나는 내일 월차를 냈어요.

It's my day off tomorrow.

쉬운 우리말 : 내일 회사 안 가요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

10. 떠오르는 말 : 당신도 만만치 않아요.

You are no different.

쉬운 우리말 : 당신도 같아요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

11. 떠오르는 말 : 얼굴 좀 펴요.

Stop frowning.

쉬운 우리말 : 살짝 웃어요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

12. 떠오르는 말 : 손에 장을 지지겠어요.

I'll eat my hat.

쉬운 우리말 : 확실해요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

13. 떠오르는 말 : 땡 잡으신 거예요.

What a stroke of luck!

쉬운 우리말 : 운이 좋으시네요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

14. 떠오르는 말 : 문제가 알쏭달쏭해요.

It's a puzzling question.

쉬운 우리말 : 그 문제는 쉽지 않네요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

15. 떠오르는 말 : 없어서 못 먹지요.

It's not there even though I like to eat it.

쉬운 우리말 : 아주 좋아해요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

16. 떠오르는 말 : 그 사람 입이 찢어졌어요.

He has a big smile.

쉬운 우리말 : 그는 아주 행복해요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

17. 떠오르는 말 : 서울은 매연이 심해요.

Seoul has severe air pollution.

쉬운 우리말 : 서울은 공기가 나빠요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

18. 떠오르는 말 : 그는 모범 시민이에요.

He is a model citizen.

쉬운 우리말 : 그는 착한 시민이에요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

19. 떠오르는 말 : 여기는 단골집이에요.

This is my hangout

쉬운 우리말 : 저는 항상 여기 와요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

20. 떠오르는 말 : 그는 고집불통이에요.

He is so stubborn.

쉬운 우리말 : 그는 누구 말도 안 들어요.

쉬운 영어표현 :

Ⅱ 다음 괄호를 채우고, 자신이 쓰기에 쉬운 표현을 익히세요.

1. 허가를 구할 때 : 버스를 운전해도 됩니까?

( ) I drive a bus?

( ) I drive a bus?

( ) ( ) ( ) that I drive a bus?

( ) ( ) ( ) if I drove a bus?

( ) ( ) ( ) me drive a bus?

2. 권유할 때 : 차를 주차장에 주차해주시겠습니까?

( ) you park your car in the parking lot?

( ) you park your car in the parking lot?

( ) you park your car in the parking lot?

( ) you park your car in the parking lot?

( ), park your car in the parking lot.

3. 자신의 의사표현을 하고자 할 때 : 버스 운전을 하고 싶습니다.

I ( ) ( ) ( ) drive a bus.

I ( ) ( ) drive a bus.

( ) me drive a bus.

I ( ) drive a bus.

I ( ) ( ) ( ) drive a bus.

4. 얼마냐고 물을 때 : 이것은 얼마입니까?

How much ( ) ( )?

How much ( ) ( ) ( )?

How much ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )?

What's the ( )?

What's the ( )?

5. 상대방을 돕고 싶을 때 : 무엇을 도와드릴까요?

( ) ( ) ( ) I can do for you?

( ) ( ) ( ) I do for you?

( ) ( ) I help you?

( ) I help you?

( ) I help you?


Ⅰ 떠오르는 말을 쉬운 우리말로 찾아 바꿔 보세요.

1. I am a bus driver.

2. He drinks a lot.

3. It makes me hungry.

4. I'll buy you dinner.

5. Don't change the channel.

6. You look nice.

7. Everyone makes mistakes.

8. What is in it?

9. I don't go to work tomorrow.

10. You too.

11. Smile.

12. I'm sure.

13. You're lucky.

14. The question is not easy.

15. I like it very much.

16. He is very happy.

17. The air is bad in Seoul.

18. He is a good citizen.

19. I always come here.

20. He doesn't listen to anybody.

Ⅱ 다음 괄호를 채우고, 자신이 쓰기에 쉬운 표현을 익히세요.

1. (Can) I drive a bus?

(May) I drive a bus?

(Is) (it) (OK) that I drive a bus?

(Do) (you) (mind) if I drove a bus?

(Can) (you) (let) me drive a bus?

2. (Could) you park your car in the parking lot?

(Would) you park your car in the parking lot?

(Can) you park your car in the parking lot?

(Will) you park your car in the parking lot?

(Please), park your car in the parking lot.

3. I (would 또는 'd) (like) (to) drive a bus.

I (want) (to) drive a bus.

(Let) me drive a bus.

I (will 또는 'll) drive a bus.

I (am 또는 'm) (going) (to) drive a bus.

4. How much (is) (it)?

How much (does) (it) (cost)?

How much (do) (I) (owe) (you)?

What's the (fare)?

What's the (rent)?

5. (Is) (there) (anything) I can do for you?

(What) (can) I do for you?

(How) (can) I help you?

(May) I help you?

(Can) I help you?

제 5법칙(상황연상으로 기억하기) 훈련하기


 외우고자 하는 영어문장에서 연상되는 상황에 우리말로 제목을 붙인다.

붙인 제목을 연결하여 우리말 문장을 만든다.

제목으로부터 영어문장, 문답 등을 기억해 낸다.


Are you a bus driver? I am not a bus driver.

Does he make a computer? He doesn't make a computer.

Are you in the park? I am in the park.

① 각 문답에 제목 붙이기

Are you a bus driver? I am not a bus driver.


Does he make a computer? He doesn't make a computer.


Are you in the park? I am in the park.


② 제목 연결하여 우리말 문장 만들기


③ 제목으로 영어 문답 기억하기

문답 제목: --------------------- →  ---------------------------------------------------------------

문답 제목: --------------------- →  ---------------------------------------------------------------

문답 제목: --------------------- →  ---------------------------------------------------------------


Is she in the library? She isn't in the library.

Does he park his car? He doesn't park his car.

Is she a pianist? She is a pianist.

① 각 문답에 제목 붙이기

Is she in the library? She isn't in the library.


Does he park his car? He doesn't park his car.


Is she a pianist? She is a pianist.


② 제목 연결하여 우리말 문장 만들기


③ 제목으로 영어 문답 기억하기

문답 제목: --------------------- → ---------------------------------------------------------------

문답 제목: --------------------- → ---------------------------------------------------------------

문답 제목: --------------------- → ---------------------------------------------------------------


Are you binge drinkers? We aren't binge drinkers.

Do they live in Seoul? They live in Seoul.

Do you serve in the army? We don't serve in the army.

Are they English teachers? They are English teachers.

① 각 문답에 제목 붙이기

Are you binge drinkers? We aren't binge drinkers.


Do they live in Seoul? They live in Seoul.


Do you serve in the army? We don't serve in the army.


Are they English teachers? They are English teachers.


② 제목 연결하여 우리말 문장 만들기


③ 제목으로 영어 문답 기억하기

문답 제목: --------------------- → ---------------------------------------------------------------

문답 제목: --------------------- → ---------------------------------------------------------------

문답 제목: --------------------- → ---------------------------------------------------------------

문답 제목: --------------------- → ---------------------------------------------------------------



① 각 문답에 제목 붙이기

Are you a bus driver? I am not a bus driver.

* 외운 문답에 '버스'라는 제목을 붙였다.

Does he make a computer? He doesn't make a computer.

* 외운 문답에 '컴퓨터'라는 제목을 붙였다.

Are you in the park? I am in the park.

* 외운 문답에 '공원'이라는 제목을 붙였다.

② 제목 연결하여 우리말 문장 만들기

'버스'를 타고 '컴퓨터' '공원'에 갔다.

③ 제목으로 영어문답 기억하기

버스 → Are you a bus driver? I am not a bus driver.

컴퓨터 → Does he make a computer? He doesn't make a computer.

공원 → Are you in the park? I am in the park.


① 각 문답에 제목 붙이기

Is she in the library? She isn't in the library.

* 외운 문답에 '도서관'이라는 제목을 붙였다.

Does he park his car? He doesn't park his car.

* 외운 문답에 '주차'라는 제목을 붙였다.

Is she a pianist? She is a pianist.

* 외운 문답에 '피아니스트' 라는 제목을 붙였다.

② 제목 연결하여 우리말 문장 만들기

'도서관'에 '주차'한 '피아니스트'

③ 제목으로 영어문답 기억하기

도서관 → Is she in the library? She isn't in the library.

주차 → Does he park his car? He doesn't park his car.

피아니스트 → Is she a pianist? She is a pianist.


① 각 문답에 제목 붙이기

Are you binge drinkers? We aren't binge drinkers.

* 외운 문답에 술집이라는 제목을 붙였다.

Do they live in Seoul? They live in Seoul.

* 외운 문답에 자신의 서울이라는 제목을 붙였다.

Do you serve in the army? We don't serve in the army.

* 외운 문답에 군인이라는 제목을 붙였다.

Are they English teachers? They are English teachers.

* 외운 문답에 선생님이라는 제목을 붙였다.

② 제목 연결하여 우리말 문장 만들기

술집에서 서울에 사는 군인과 선생님을 만났다.

③ 제목으로 영어문답 기억하기

술집 → Are you binge drinkers? We aren't binge drinkers.

서울 → Do they live in Seoul? They live in Seoul.

군인 → Do you serve in the army? We don't serve in the army.

선생님 → Are they English teachers? They are English teachers.